Heading Out

One last note before I leave the country.

Time flies by so quickly! I leave in a couple of days for Uganda. I am almost ready to go. I am sure there will be some last minute thing I forgot and then I will take care of whatever that is and head out.

If you have not donated financially I would ask you to do that now.

Here is the link to donate through Calvary Albuquerque https://pushpay.com/g/calvarymissions (please select Deborah Roberts Uganda SOM from the dropdown)

The funds will be used to start a School of Ministry in Jinja, Uganda. This school will be for adults. Some people are asking me about working with children but I want to make sure you understand this will be a school of ministry for adults. The mission is to make a disciple that can make a disciple. We will be teaching people how to divide the Word properly, teach, and teach others how to divide the Word properly and teach. Create a cycle of disciple makers.

I am excited to be able to talk about Jesus all day again because He really did change my life. And I don’t want to keep that to myself. I have no interest in returning to a life without Christ. You know what I’m talking about if you are a follower of Christ. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, are not a follower of Christ, and you want to talk about it – please reach out to me.

Thank you to the Care Team, the leadership on the Care Team, to everyone who is partnering so we can all step out together to advance the Kingdom. Save one more soul and disciple them so they can turn around and save one more soul and disciple them.

Reminder – I will be starting the weekly video log again. Sharing prayer requests and happenings in the ministry in 2 minutes or less. This will be shared in an email (like this), on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and the podcast. So you can get updated prayer requests each week no matter how you are consuming your media.

Thank you for praying and blessings to you!
